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Please recite a Salawaat upon the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and his holy progeny (a.s.) as a gift for All Marhoom Momineen and Mominaa Please Recite Sura e Fateha Brother Asif Ali Baqri, & Marhoom Mirza Jani Hussain, Marhoom Ali Jaan Khan, Marhooma Zuleqa , Marhoom Murtuza Hussain, Marhoom Salman Azmi Marhoom Khushtar Banu, Marhoom Bakshu Begum, Marhoom Ali Sher, Marhoom Shehzade Hussain, Marhoom Mazhar Hussain, & All Marhoomeen Momineen Wa Mominaath. Khusoos Shohdae Islam, Ulama E Ekraam Zakir E Ahlebaith a.s & Wo Marhoomeen Jinka Koi Isal karne wala nhi hai Namaz E Wehshat Jo Bhi Apne Marhoomeen Ke Naam Namaz E Wehshat E Qabr Ke Liye Likhana Chahte Hain Wo Marhoom name and Father Name +917090193872 Whatsaap Par Bhejden

"Areeza _ Letter To The Imam Of Our Time"

How To Write Areeza & What To Do Before Write Areeza

Speaker : Moulana Abid Bilgrami

        Download Areeza : Click Here To Download

Areeza to imam Mahdi for the fulfilment of major hajaats only .
Do wadhu
Recite Ziyarat Ashura
Write the areeza in the following manner/ format
As salamun alaykum o son of zahra
How are you , I hope your are well and I pray for your safety and well being
O my imam , I am sorry I haven’t been able to do anything for you . I’m sorry for committing the following sins (list all of your sins , as many as you can remember) . Ask forgiveness for your parents and marhum.
Hajaat(wishes)  giving the sake of the individual masomeen. Depending on the hajaat (wish). You can ask as many as you want.
For life after death (akhirat life) give the sake of Prophet Mohammed , Bibi Fatema and imam Hassan and Hussain
To remove zulm(oppression) ask for the sake of imam Ali
To protect from Shaitan, give the sake of imam Sajjad or to cure any illness
To increase knowledge ask in the sake of imam Baqir and imam Sadiq
To remove difficulty of any sort , ask in the sake of imam Kadhim
To protect your self from harm on one off or daily basis ask in the sake of imam Raza
To increase rizq ask in the sake of imam Jawaad .
For increase in worship give the sake of imam Hadi and imam Askari
If death is on your neck , put your hand on your neck and call upon on imam Mahdi and he will come to your help.
Say sorry again for your short coming and sins and not doing anything for the imam of our time.
Recite the dua in the areeza (2 line before the English translation, this has the names of the naib of imam Mahdi )
Put your areeza in dough and put it in a river or sea (flowing water) . Inshallah your hajaat will be answered soon.


