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Please recite a Salawaat upon the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and his holy progeny (a.s.) as a gift for All Marhoom Momineen and Mominaa Please Recite Sura e Fateha Brother Asif Ali Baqri, & Marhoom Mirza Jani Hussain, Marhoom Ali Jaan Khan, Marhooma Zuleqa , Marhoom Murtuza Hussain, Marhoom Salman Azmi Marhoom Khushtar Banu, Marhoom Bakshu Begum, Marhoom Ali Sher, Marhoom Shehzade Hussain, Marhoom Mazhar Hussain, & All Marhoomeen Momineen Wa Mominaath. Khusoos Shohdae Islam, Ulama E Ekraam Zakir E Ahlebaith a.s & Wo Marhoomeen Jinka Koi Isal karne wala nhi hai Namaz E Wehshat Jo Bhi Apne Marhoomeen Ke Naam Namaz E Wehshat E Qabr Ke Liye Likhana Chahte Hain Wo Marhoom name and Father Name +917090193872 Whatsaap Par Bhejden



Begin with Al-Fattah - The Opener. Take the initiative to take responsibility for your own behaviour – past, present and future and make choices based on the principles taught by Muhammad (PBUH) and the values he taught rather than on circumstances and reacting to external stimuli. Do this by developing within yourself taqwa – the ability to keep away from all sins and be able to fulfil all our responsibilities – wajibats. Do adopt Al-Fattah means to adopt an inside out approach to creating change. 

Al-Lateef – The Subtle One inspires us to have a goal. All human beings whether as individuals, families, institutions or countries shape their future by creating a vision of their goal and purpose. Once you have mentally identifies that the goal is the pleasure of Allah, by extension Janna: then commit yourself to that goal, working towards in all aspects of life. Also knowing that whatever trials that befall on the way are a means to achieve that goal. 

 Al- Qaabidh – The Constrictor when applied to our lives means to get the best out of our time. To be able to organising our time removing the clutter and prioritising that which is important. To focus our lives on what matters most in life. In other words to keep the main thing the main thing. To keep Allah as the focus at all times. 

Al-Muta’aali – The Exalted One is about thinking in terms of greatness rather than in terms of scarcity. To think in terms of ‘We’ rather than ‘I’ or ‘Me’. It’s not thinking selfishly but thinking of inter-dependence. To make one’s character above conceit, treachery, jealousy andger and hatred rising above it. 

Ar-Razzaqu – The Provider in our lives means to constantly strive to utilise the rizq provided by Allah positively. As far as the rizq of physical sustenance goes, to be able not to waste, to share and to effectively gain the energy to utlilise the body to serve Allah. For the nafs to utilise the rizq (provision) of knowledge and guidance. It’s effectiveness lies in utilising the knowledge and guidance by applying it to our actions, otherwise it remains as information transfer. Knowledge is reading, memorising, understanding, applying it to life and teaching it.

 An-Noor – The Light inspires us to constantly monitor the radiation energy of our nafs. To ensure that the light frequency is always high by replacing the low frequency thoughts, emotions and actions like hatred, anger and jealousy with forgiveness, rahma and zhikr. It also means to monitor the light we have sent forward – our investment in the aakhira. 

Al-Ghaniyy – The Rich is about contentment of the nafs (itminaane qalb). It’s not only about achieving the contentment but maintaining it by salaa, sawm, zhikr, amilu saalihaat….. knowing that we have an account with Allah. Just like a financial bank account, it’s something we make deposits into and withdrawals from. The idea is to build up the account and keep it in credit all the time keeping away from overfdrafts and bankruptcy. 

