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Please recite a Salawaat upon the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) and his holy progeny (a.s.) as a gift for All Marhoom Momineen and Mominaa Please Recite Sura e Fateha Brother Asif Ali Baqri, & Marhoom Mirza Jani Hussain, Marhoom Ali Jaan Khan, Marhooma Zuleqa , Marhoom Murtuza Hussain, Marhoom Salman Azmi Marhoom Khushtar Banu, Marhoom Bakshu Begum, Marhoom Ali Sher, Marhoom Shehzade Hussain, Marhoom Mazhar Hussain, & All Marhoomeen Momineen Wa Mominaath. Khusoos Shohdae Islam, Ulama E Ekraam Zakir E Ahlebaith a.s & Wo Marhoomeen Jinka Koi Isal karne wala nhi hai Namaz E Wehshat Jo Bhi Apne Marhoomeen Ke Naam Namaz E Wehshat E Qabr Ke Liye Likhana Chahte Hain Wo Marhoom name and Father Name +917090193872 Whatsaap Par Bhejden


THURSDAY The ism recommended for Thursday is AR_RAZZAAQ. It is recommended to recite this ism 308x. Reciting Ar-Razzaq brings the blessings of Allah and his Fadhl (Grace). "Ar-Razzaq" is derived from rizq, sustenance, or anything of any benefit to man, animals, plants, etc., whereby the latter are sustained or are helped in their growth. Rain is also called rizq; it helps sustain every living being on our planet. The word rizq may be used for means of income, livelihood, sustenance, money, wealth..., or for the earning of something good, be it during the life of this world or in the life to come, or it may be applied to one's fortune, or even to anything eaten. Ar-Razzaq is applied to none other than Allah. There are two types of rizq: one that sustains the body, such as food and drink, while the other sustains the nafs, which is knowledge and true inspiration. The latter is the best type of sustenance simply because what sustains the nafs lasts forever, while what sustains the body has a temporary duration. He sustains all His creation by whatever means needed to keep them alive. He sustains the minds with knowledge, the hearts with understanding, the souls with manifestations, the bodies with food…… The abundance of Allah's sustenance is without a limit. Let’s look at the application of this attribute in our lives. For the rizq to sustain physical life, it is enough to know that He is the Provider. Ja`fer ibn Sulayman is quoted as having said that he once saw a blind old woman grieving over herself and wailing, so he asked her, "What does it take to sustain you?" She answered him saying, "Stop sticking your nose where it does not belong; I have reached this stage of life without needing you or others." Then she added, "Have you not heard the statement made by the Friend of Allah Ibraheem (PBUH) in Suratush Shoara, Ayaat 78-80 who said, `[Allah] Who created me then showed me the way, and He provides me with food to eat and with water to drink, and when I am sick, He restores my health to me' ?" As for the rizq of the nafs, it has 2 aspects – knowledge and inspiration. Let’s look at some of the ahadith on knowledge: Imam Sajjad, (PBUH), says: “If people had known the advantages of acquiring knowledge they would have acquired it even if it had necessitated the shedding of their hearts’ blood or of their going down into the deep seas”. (Biharul Anwar, vol. 1, p.59) The Prophet (PBUH), says: “Allah opens the path of Paradise to one who takes a step on the path of acquisition of knowledge”. (Muniatul Murid, p.11) The Prophet (pbuh), says: “One who wishes to see those who are safe from the Fire of Hell should look at the seekers of knowledge”. (Biharul Anwar, vol. 1, p.58) Imam Ali, (PBUH), says: “The learned people and scholars will continue to exist till the world lasts. Although their bodies may be hidden from the eyes their impressions will for ever remain imprinted in the hearts of the people”.(Nahjul Balaghah, p.1146) The Prophet (PBUH), says: “The sleep of a scholar is superior to one thousand rak’ats of salaa offered by a devout person”. (Biharul Anwar, vol.1, p.76) As far as true inspiration goes In Suratun Nahl, aya 68 Allah says: “And your Lord inspired the bee.....” In Suratul Qasas, aya 7, He says “And , We inspired the mother of Musa.....” In animals it can be termed as instinct. However, in human beings, inspiration is that which one experiences against expectations or inclination. If the nafs is on the right path, then the inspiration will be a beneficial one from Allah but if the nafs is corrupt then the inspiration will be from Shaitanic forces. FRI

